You’ve no doubt heard that our founding elf, Sylvain, was among the 10 finalists for the Concours Gens de coeur, organized by Radio-Canada and Financière Manuvie. As such, the Foundation received a $1,000 donation. However, results of the public vote which were announced April 11th revealed the winner of the 2014 Gens de Coeur Award to be Ms Brigitte McKinnon of the Pure Art Fondation, earning that organization a $20,000 donation. Although, the Elves did not win, the contest did shine the spotlight on our mission and brought us some welcome attention.
The whirlwind of the public voting campaign for Gens de coeur, and the wait for the picture below did not make us forget that Manon’s volunteer involvement and spirit was also recognized this winter.
The Prix Fondation Desjardins – Engagement bénévole recognize a person who volunteers within a qualified non-profit charitable organization registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
This is how Sylvain highlighted Manon’s work in the submission letter :
Sans la contribution constante de Manon, la Fondation ne serait pas en mesure de réaliser pleinement sa mission. En tant que membre de notre conseil d’administration depuis sa constitution en 2002, elle a su mettre à profit ses talents d’organisatrice hors pair lors d’activités de financement comme le Rallye Vélo des Lutins et la vente de noix sucrées-épicées à notre kiosque du Marché Jean-Talon, mais aussi dans la gestion délicate des centaines de cadeaux que nous destinons chaque année à des enfants. En effet, sous sa gouverne, chaque enfant reçoit un cadeau personnalisé, approprié selon son sexe et son âge. Énergique et rassembleuse, Manon a aussi recruté et formé des dizaines de bénévoles parmi sa famille et ses amis.
Manon was presented with a tribute certificate and a donation cheque of $1,000 for the Foundation. Bravo Manon!